It’s inevitable, January WILL be a busy month for the fitness industry! Attracting new members during January is much easier than the other 11 months of the year but that’s not to say that zero effort is required. After all, several of the other gyms in your community will be fighting over the same person to ensure they hit their membership target for the month.
One thing that will separate you from your competitors is ensuring ALL of your gym equipment is in full working order before you open your doors in 2024. January is a time when your gym equipment is pushed to the limit, and wear and tear becomes all too common. One way to avoid deterring prospective members, and upsetting your existing ones, is to get your equipment serviced now.
A preventative maintenance service ensures that your gym equipment is inspected by a professional engineer and any potential issues are addressed before the equipment is deemed ‘OUT OF ORDER’. Treadmills remain one of the most popular pieces of equipment in the gym and it’s vitally important that they are readily available, more so in January as they are a great tool to keep your members engaged in their workout and achieving their New Year resolution to ‘exercise more’.
But what does a preventative maintenance service of a treadmill involve?
It varies depending on the service provider, however, a ServiceSport UK engineer will, as a bare minimum:
– Remove the motor cover and remove any grime from the motor bay area.
– Examine the drive belt and tensioner for any indications of potential failure.
– Remove the deck and running belt (where applicable) and clean around this area.
– Examine the running belt, deck and deck cushions and flip the deck (where applicable).
– Check the smooth running of both rollers.
– Tension the running belt and re-align if required.
Any issues identified with the treadmill will be communicated immediately, a defect report issued and a quote to carry out the repairs. By utilising the expertise of a ServiceSport UK engineer, all the equipment in your gym can be serviced with one call-out cost as opposed to calling out a dedicated engineer for each manufacturer type.
But above all else, you will have 100% confidence in your equipment, allowing you to focus on attracting prospects to your facility and maximising member satisfaction in 2024!